smoke detectors

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Senior Member
Re: smoke detectors

Smoke detectors are really not a NEC issue unless they fall under the afci regulation 02 cycle.The final building inspection is where smoke detectors come into play :D


Senior Member
Re: smoke detectors

In my area smokes are required in all bedrooms,regardless of the type of dwelling.
Matter of fact the county I live in will require all new houses and apartments to be sprinkled. Starting 1-1-06 This is the third county in Maryland to do this.


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: smoke detectors

Originally posted by benaround:
I wonder how much time goes by from the start of a smoke alarm until the fire sprinklers actuate?

A heck of a lot. Sprinklers are installed with various temperature ratings at which they activate, and are stamped right on the sprinkler. Ones I looked at recently said 160 degrees. I would think you'd have a heck of a lot of smoke beore it got to be 160 degrees at the sprinkler head.


Senior Member
Re: smoke detectors

one of the things that I find that are often overlooked is that we as electricians are not just governed by the NEC but also have to concider the firs alarm code,the building code,local fire codes,the NEC is not the only bible


Staff member
retired electrician
Re: smoke detectors

Actually the heat at the ceiling rises very rapidly in the fire room, but in most cases a smoke detector will detect the smoke before sprinkler operates if it is in the fire room. If the smoke detector is not in the same room, it is likely that the sprinkler will control the fire before the smoke detector operates.


Senior Member
New Hampshire
Re: smoke detectors

In most cases you are exactly right. The elevators at NHIS is Loudon NH work on that principle. There are smoke detectors installed at the top and bottom of each elevator shaft and a heat detector is installed w/in 1' of each smoke. The smoke detector tell the elevator that there is a fire and the elevator is recalled to a safe floor. The heat goes off at 195 degrees and activates a shunt trip breaker, thus cutting off all supply power to the elevator shaft. At 205 degrees the sprinkler system soaks the elevator shaft and the car inside of that.

I guess they think that it WILL work this way. I hope so, if not, the shunt trips, occupants are stuck in car, getting wet and hopefully not hot!


[ July 11, 2005, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: volt101 ]
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