Smoke question

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romex jockey

Senior Member
One of my ahj's told me BRK makes a smoke that alerts one's phone via app

That it can also interface with old BRK units, given the normal interconnect wiring exists

Does anyone here have any experience w/ these?

I'm way behind in joining the new millennium :rolleyes:

Haven’t seen those in particular but I know there are smoke detectors that connect via Apple HomeKit and other smart home services.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I vaguely remember a discussion awhile back about those, I think here. My position was that it's better to link smokes to a monitored security/fire system rather than relying on someone to see an alert on their phone and call the fire department. This generation thinks their phones are God.

Perfect example-

patonsparkie said:
They wouldn’t do me any good. My Phone rang last night while we were at Perkins. It was in my jacket pocket but MDSW, sitting three chairs away, had to tell me.

I vaguely remember a discussion awhile back about those, I think here. My position was that it's better to link smokes to a monitored security/fire system rather than relying on someone to see an alert on their phone and call the fire department.


You might think differently being on the receiving end of the campfire circle Hal.....😵

This generation thinks their phones are God

let them.....

i let my alarm license go well over a decade ago, because i could not compete with my area's alarm monopoly low bidding every job, only to make it up on monthly monitoring fees:cautious:

now we technology that cuts them right outta the pix economically....

and i've a chance to jump back in the game, on the advice of an ahj 20 yrs my jr at that!:love:

Ok, fair enough. But I would still check your states alarm law to see if that kind of device crosses the line into their territory. You know how territorial they are! Betcha if you call and ask them they will say absolutely, even though there is nothing in writing.

Sage advice Hal, living on the border, i've a contact in NH, as well as one in VT
They're up on the latest codes and widgets , which is evolving faster than I can keep up with ~RJ~
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