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Where in the 2008 nec is the arti./paragraph that states the locations where a smoke is need.bed rm./liv.rm./etc.

Nowhere in the NEC, the NEC does not require smoke alarms and it does not tell us where to put them. The NEC is only concerned about how we wire them if we do install them. :)

The required locations will be found in your local fire or building codes.
Where in the 2008 nec is the arti./paragraph that states the locations where a smoke is need.bed rm./liv.rm./etc.

The NEC doesn't cover this. IN VA, they make you put at least one on every level. One in every bedroom. One in a common area on every level. The common area detector should be within 10' of the master bedroom. You cannot put them within 3' of a supply or return. If wall mounted, they have to be lower than 6" down from ceiling, but NO MORE than 12" from ceiling.
If there's a sloped ceiling in a required place, the detector needs to go at the top of the sloped ceiling. They must be AFCI protected. This is a quick rundown of VA. laws
Vol State Requirements; one in each bedroom, one in the area outside the bedroom and one on each level of the home. Install per the instructions.
New Homes AC/DC, Older Homes DC,
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