Software for Lightning Protection

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New member
Hello all!

I've got a question to engineers design of Lightning Protection Systems. What software do you use into your work, especially to identify the most suitable location(s) for the air terminal(s)?

Best regards


Senior Member
While I don't get into allot of lightning systems since I moved from Florida, I have kept lightning in mind when wiring from the ground up on new installs, the problem with most lightning protection systems out there, most are snake oil, very few have a good foundation as to how to go about retrofitting an existing building to cover conductors that have already been installed.
To properly protect as much that can be done from lightning takes starting from the ground up in building a new building, the problem is many times they don't think or know that this part has to be implemented in the start of a building not after it's built, while retrofitting can be done it's not easy to cover wiring that has already been installed.

With that said, I know of no software that covers lightning protection, because of the fundamentals of each building, there are to many variables to cover, while I guess some things could be automatically covered, to me it still takes the human mind and allot of experience, knowledge and understanding in this field to cover all aspects of an install.

Lightning protection systems can be a dangerous field from a liability stand point, as no system can totally protect a building and or its contents 100% and this can lead to an open door for litigation, so be careful on how you word your disclaimer and know what laws you have in your state that can protect you and your company when things go wrong, and most of all make sure your insurance will cover you doing this type of work, some areas require you to be UL certified to do lightning protection installs.


Senior Member
Are you asking because you are truly interested in knowing or because you are a lightning protection software designer as indicated in your profile?

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I can tell you the best I have seen have been proprietary design programs by LPS contractors. They seem to fit the needs of the installer based on the applicable code, product lines used, and needs of the customer; rather than a generalized "one-size-fits-all" program.

A few of the lightning product supply companies also provide good software and most even provide free risk assessment software. LPSD from Erico and FURSE from T&B are good examples.

You may also want to check out some of the national LPS associations such as LPI/ULPI and the NLSI organizations, for example. They too have software, services, and programs available for LPS installations...


New member
There are no public use software programs that i know of for lightning protection system design. I have been a lightning protection designer since 1998 and I still design systems manually using the governing standards (UL96A, NFPA 780 & LPI-175).
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