Solar connection options grid-tied

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Apprentice electrician
I am interested in all opinions and will take any advice.
i will try to provide as (too much) information as possible to get accurate help.

Heres the situation. I will try to explain it.
power from grid comes into a 400amp meter panel-red
dark blue is 200a feedthrough lug panels with 6 extra spaces
pink is CH 200a house panel full all electric
grey is sub panel i had to put in garage cause DPO did dumb stuff in garage at remodel. its on the end of the house with the carport solar panels.

red box is in shop getting feed from one of teh blue feedthrough panels its a feedthrough box too
it fees a 125a breaker in 1 of the 6 spaces for the light blue apartment box for a small 800' part-time visitor MIL apartment.
green box is just a 24 space panel for circuits on that side of the shop
purple box is using feedthrough lugs from red shop box to be a 24 space panel on other side of shop.

feedthru boxes are 200A eaton box with 200A main and 6 breaker slots and feedthrough lugs. 200A buss bar
200a CH panel with no main breaker. all electric house.

shop feed is 100 feet through 4/0 alum wire

there are 40-300w panels on the shop roof using solaredge optimizers and inverter(not connected yet)

there are 18-330w panels on the house carport using micros.
there are 12-330w panels on the pool equipment using micros.

how and where can i put the solar breakers to backfeed? I know put at opposite end of grid power on buss bar. im asking more which panel to feed the solar into. or panels.
no permits in this area, no jurisdiction.

i have a drawing but dont know how to attach it.


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