Solar panel lightning Protection hold down and water protection.

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Senior Member
Thought I would post a couple of pics of some stupid things I seen the other day while on a job. These are from a rooftop solar system job that I was doing some PM work on. First one is a nice solar panel protecting a lighting rod from the rain. The next one is some ballast block holding the aluminum lighting protection wire on the roof to,I guess keep it from being blown off. And to top it off whoever did the install did not bond the frames to the lighting protection system. I wonder if that cable takes a hit if it would blow those blocks off.
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Thought I would post a couple of pics of some stupid things I seen the other day while on a job. These are from a rooftop solar system job that I was doing some PM work on. First one is a nice solar panel protecting a lighting rod from the rain. The next one is some ballast block holding the aluminum lighting protection wire on the roof to,I guess keep it from being blown off. And to top it off whoever did the install did not bond the frames to the lighting protection system. I wonder if that cable takes a hit if it would blow those blocks off.
It brings to mind the picture of a satellite TV antenna mounted to the service riser.

The ins and outs of lightning protection are not defined or regulated in the NEC and it is a specialized enough field that a professional in that area (contractor or PE) should have been involved.
Electricians and ECs do not design lightning protection systems and should not have to interact with them in the kind of way you illustrated. Common sense at a minimum should have told them that.

PS: I could not state with any assurance whether or not the panels and their GECs and EGCs (properly installed according to NEC) should be tied to the lightning protection downlead or not!
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