Solar PV Interactive connection

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Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
I have a PV system with the lines terminating on the north end of a residence and the existing service drop is on the south end. In this jurisdiction POCO requires that the PV system feed to the service lines and not to the service panel.
Previous installations have been made by adding a second riser for the PV system at the original service location and POCO jumps them at the drop.
The installer wants to add a service drop for the PV at the north end citing 690.56 as justification.
My position is that 690.56 allows for a remote disconnect but does not allow for a second set of service drop conductors.
What say you ?

690.56 requires identification of power sources and I'm not seeing anything about a remote disconnect.

I'm still getting my feet wet on PV systems, but I have not found in 690 where there is a requirement for the service disconnect and the PV disconnect to be "grouped". 690.56 seems to require a plaque when they are not grouped. Th discussion centered around the fact that since the service disconnect and the PV disconnect could be at separate locations, the connection to POCO could be also. My stand is 1 building, 1 service drop (with exceptions) I'm unclear as to if (5) under special conditions in 230.2 (parallel power production systems) would apply in this case.
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