This is so petty but I'm about to quit my job over it.
I did a solar install. I ran 10-2 w/g solid uf wire from the e-panel to the solar panels. I'll not mention the load on the wire or the distance or the temperature because I don't want to side track the issue, all were well within the recommendations of John Wiles publications.
What has my boss concerned is the fact that I used solid and not stranded for dc.
Please I'm not looking for opinions - just facts.
I did a solar install. I ran 10-2 w/g solid uf wire from the e-panel to the solar panels. I'll not mention the load on the wire or the distance or the temperature because I don't want to side track the issue, all were well within the recommendations of John Wiles publications.
What has my boss concerned is the fact that I used solid and not stranded for dc.
Please I'm not looking for opinions - just facts.