170415-1717 EDT Natural gas
0.719/CCF or 0.0245/kWh
0.158/kWh or 6.45 times more expensive than gas, no way to justify a heat pump
King Co Washington, PSE provider.
91 cents CCF (for 82% eff furnace, equates to 3.1 cents kWhr)
11.6 cents kWhr
Puget Sound Energy
(Cities of Seattle and Tacoma and Snohomish and Lewis Co PUDs much lower)
I have ground source HP with COP of 5.4 at own house. DW deathly afraid of gas since a neighbor's house blew up when she was a child, so will never have gas in our house. 11.6/5.4 = 2.14 cents kWhr equivalent for heat, beats the 3.1 cents for gas.
BTW, opinion: Induction cooktop beats even gas for speed and convenience.
Son has a dual system, HP or gas, has automatic changeover from HP to gas (changeover to HP set at >45 F prior to last year, when gas prices were over $1.20 CCF, = 4.1 cents kW-hr)
Last year PSE dropped gas prices appreciably. Since his air-air HP has COP of only around 3.2 at even 55F, 11.6/3.2 = 3.65 cents kW-hr, so now just leaves heat on gas furnace, no switchover to HP.
Am also on a well, have separate kWhr meter on pumphouse. Average 'water bill' under $2 a month. Was over $10 once when a pipe broke undetected out to the garden, but that was a few acre feet of water that ran off!
Have GE hybrid water heater, also on separate kW-hr meter, 1/3 the cost for HW vs. the old resistance WH.
edit PS: Recall central IL, near big inch pipeline. NG was only 4 cents per CCF up until early 1970's, heard tell that NG was FREE in parts of Louisiana back in the 50's - some small fixed distribution cost, gas was free.