space disconnects

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Senior Member
Is there a required spacing between service risers and outside meter bases and disconnects ? Ive seened the disconnects Jamed almost together as long as they have required working space as considered as a unit rather than individual. The way I remember since one disconnect does not protrude out 6" past the other, it is not considered as being in the way. Therefore each disconnect and meter does not require its own space. Is this correct ?
Is there a required spacing between service risers and outside meter bases and disconnects ? Ive seened the disconnects Jamed almost together as long as they have required working space as considered as a unit rather than individual. The way I remember since one disconnect does not protrude out 6" past the other, it is not considered as being in the way. Therefore each disconnect and meter does not require its own space. Is this correct ?

I know of no code to stop it and see no reason to be concerned. I hope we are not suggesting a 30 inch wide spot for each.
As long as each and all the equipment meets the requirements of 110.26 the individual units may be right against each other. In meeting the 110.26 requirements, no piece of equipment could protrude more than 6" beyond the adjacent equipment in such a manner to not allow the 30" of width.
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