Spacing question

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Senior Member
Southern NH
Was having a discussion with a few guys yesterday, but none of us could site a code section. Where does it discuss distance for wiring from heating (HW Baseboard) and hot water pipes?
bjp_ne_elec said:
Iwire - thanks.

So the question is, what do each of you allow for spacing when there is a HW BB or HW line around?

I will avoid contact with it by placing my wire just a few inches away but that is just my preference.
Well NM is rated for 90 C (194 F) and the sheath must be flame retardant. Few, if any forced hot water systems operate above 180 F so it seems to me NM could be in contact with hot water pipes although you might have to consider ambient temperature ampacity adjustments.

All that said I try to maintain as much space as I can. :)
bjp_ne_elec said:
Iwire - thanks.

So the question is, what do each of you allow for spacing when there is a HW BB or HW line around?

Are you thinking about Electric baseboard heating units ? For HW BB I don't

believe there is any issues.
I'm strictly talking about the pipe itself - say running a wire around in a basement.

Now that you mention the baseboard itself, you got me thinking about receptacles above baseboard heating. There is something called out there - but now I've got to go out in the truck and get my NEC code book - as I don't recall the articles specifics.
bjp_ne_elec said:
I'm strictly talking about the pipe itself - say running a wire around in a basement.

Now that you mention the baseboard itself, you got me thinking about receptacles above baseboard heating. There is something called out there - but now I've got to go out in the truck and get my NEC code book - as I don't recall the articles specifics.
Save yourself a trip. It is not in the NEC. The recep. above a baseboard is strictly in the instruction for the BB heater.

Probably a good idea to avoid it over HW baseboards also but it is not in the instruction to my knowledge.
Regarding baseboards and receptacles.

The NEC does not prohibit installing receptacles above any type of baseboard heating units. :)

However, the NEC requires via 110.3(B) to follow instructions included with the listing of electrical equipment. So if you open a peice of electric baseboard heat and the instructions included in the listing say 'do not install under receptacles' then you have to be careful where you install the baseboard.
OK - that's what it is. I'm thinking back in the early 80's, there might have been something called out specifically in the code. I was going through my Apprenticeship classes then, and I could swear it was called out in the NEC.

I agree, that now it's based on the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Thanks Dennis - I hadn't made it out to the truck yet.
benaround said:
Are you thinking about Electric baseboard heating units ? For HW BB I don't.

bjp_ne_elec said:
Was having a discussion with a few guys yesterday, but none of us could site a code section. Where does it discuss distance for wiring from heating (HW Baseboard) and hot water pipes

Not picking on you Frank but it seems lately nobody bothers to read the question anymore and it's a little pet peeeve of mine, among the many. :grin:

As for the actual question I ususally just keep the wiring from direct contact with hw pipes and baseboard.
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electricmanscott said:
Not picking on you Frank but it seems lately nobody bothers to read the question anymore and it's a little pet peeeve of mine, among the many. :grin:

As for the actual question I ususally just keep the wiring from direct contact with hw pipes and baseboard.

Scott, Not a problem, I feel the same on people not reading the question. As

you know the code does not mention HWBB heaters, I would of had to read

that to ask " Are you thinking about Electric Baseboard heating units" as they

do have restrictions on electrical wiring. :)
bjp_ne_elec said:
Was having a discussion with a few guys yesterday, but none of us could site a code section. Where does it discuss distance for wiring from heating (HW Baseboard) and hot water pipes?
The NFPA is made up of articles that are sectioned!
Most all building codes imply two inches away from other services, no shared racks or intermixing and in
your cause you might remember that it might get insulation.

Most specifications of new work imply the same. OK, Just what I've seen...
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