Spare Conductors in a Panelboard

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New member
I have not been able to find anything in NEC about having spare conductors in a new Panelboard installation. Here is some back ground on this situation, the Electrical Contractor doing the installation has pulled extra #10 wire into the panelboard anticipating some change orders. If we don't need to use these conductors at this time does the NEC required that these conductors be pulled out or can we leave them in place and mark as spares?

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Spare Conductors in a Panelboard

The only places I am aware of that the NEC requires unused wires to be removed are related to removal of abandoned LV cables (such as for cable TV). But even there you have the option of labeling the conductors, instead of removing them. I think it is not a bad idea to have a few spares.

But if your real question has to do with contracts and payment issues, and if you are hoping to avoid paying for work that was beyond the original contract, then I can only wish you luck. The NEC will not come to your rescue on this one. :(


Senior Member
Re: Spare Conductors in a Panelboard

I have done this many times. I would put a wirenut on them , tag them with where the other end is,and tuck them NEATLY away. Some electrician will silently thank you one day. I have even gone to jobs and found the spares left by other electricians and used them - some days you just get lucky


Senior Member
Re: Spare Conductors in a Panelboard

I run spares more often than not,chances are likely that I'll be the one doing the wiring on future expansions.It saves time and money later on down the road. :)
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