SPD - Breaker Location


Senior Member
Question: For a type 2 SPD that is protecting a switchboard, does it matter where in the lineup it is installed?

Details: I have had to take over a project in construction for an engineer that has left the company. He rejected the first switchboard submittal stating that the SPD needed to be in breaker position 1. The manufacturer says this is not possible since the bussing is offset for bigger breakers first. I don't think it matters where the SPD is installed, but wanted to see if there was a legitimate reason for location.

Only documentation I can find states < 10-ft from SPD to bus; nothing about positioning in the gear. I am trying to reach out to their engineering department, but I don't really see it making a difference.
Only documentation I can find states < 10-ft from SPD to bus; nothing about positioning in the gear. I am trying to reach out to their engineering department, but I don't really see it making a difference.
It makes no difference what position it is in.
It is probable the switchboard manufacture has more experience installing SPDs than the other engineer had.