Speaking of arc faults

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Inside the Beltway
From some press reports, NSA's 1E6 sq. ft. new datacenter in Utah seems to be infected with same. It's zorched hundreds of thou$ands of gear & is a year behind schedule. I guess my phone calls are safe for a few more weeks.

Ain't you glad you were not the low bidder?
I saw that too. It sounded to me like the folks designing it, didn't know what they were up against.:?

Never hire kids to do a man's job, but then it is the government, low bid always wins. Sad. :rant:


China says it all....
Not to defend their inadequacy but the firm does have an office in China, but they are US based headquarters - Lots of big names involved, KlingStubbins is owned by Jacobs, who owns a slew of other companies.

Balfour Beatty bought Parsons Brinckerhoff a few years back, DPR Construction is supposedly one of the largest data center contractors in the country, as far as Big-D? Looking at their website I have a feeling they were thrown a bone to get local representation bid points.

Regardless, the big names should have known better.
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