I understand all that 403.1 (b) has general exclusions from the uniform construction code altogether
403.62( c) has exclusions from the permit process as you can see along with other exclusions if your excluded from the code altogether your excluded from the permit process along with other exclusions from needing a permit
<<<<<The electrician who said he wanted to do this right has to decide what that is>>>>>
TITLE 34. Labor and Industry
? 403.1. Scope.
(a) Application.
(1) The Uniform Construction Code applies to the construction, alteration, repair, movement, equipment, removal, demolition, location, maintenance, occupancy or change of occupancy of every building or structure which occurs on or after April 9, 2004, and all existing structures that are not legally occupied.
(b) The Uniform Construction Code does not apply to:
(8) Alterations to residential buildings which do not make structural changes or changes to means of egress, except as required by ordinances in effect under sections 303(b)(1) or 503 of the act (35 P. S. ? ? 7210.303(b)(1) and 7210.503). Under this subsection, a structural change does not include a minor framing change needed to replace existing windows ordoors.
(9) Repairs to residential buildings, except as required by ordinances in effect under sections 303(b)(1) and 503 of the act.
? 403.62. Permit requirements and exemptions.
(c) A permit is not required for the exceptions listed in ? 403.1(b) (relating to scope) and the following, if the work does not violate a law or ordinance: