I am needing to control the speed of a hoists used to accurately position a 50lb load. It would be used approximately 5 times per hour for less than 1 minute each time. I am thinking there is a device to do this but not sure what. I don't want to spend the money for a variable speed hoist and the space available won't allow a big hoist.
Anyone every use a reliable speed controler on a fractional HP ac motor?
Thanks very much for your help!
It seems like just a year ago but it's more than that.
My wife bought on ebay a beautiful 1952 sewing machine. Despite the vintage, it was electric. And with a beautiful wooden cabinet. A nice piece of furniture.
The wiring was in a parlous state. And incorrectly connected.
We knew that going in.
The seller said "You need an electrical engineer to check out the wiring."
Mrs B, completely dead pan, "I might know one."
After struggling to get it in the car, we got it home.
I worked out how it should be connected.
It was a simple, single phase universal motor.
Speed control was a series rheostat operated by the right knee pressing a lever under the desk.
OK. After the rewire, the control worked nicely. The machine ran smoothly and quietly. My job done.
But....at the sewing end, there were essential parts missing.
The missus has since bought a new machine. It's also speed controlled and single phase. Unless/until it develops a problem beyond the warranty period I don't need to know...