Splicing a feeder in a main panel to extend to ATS

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Hiram, Ohio
Electrical apprentice years ago.. now a GM for a mfg. company
Hello, I am installing a whole house generator. I have a service disconnect directly behind my meter, and then it feeds my breaker panel in my basement. That is to say, I can throw my main breaker immediately downstream of my meter, thereby making my breaker panel for the house completely dead. The feeders from the main disconnect to the breaker panel are under the concrete garage floor and penetrate into the house through the foundation wall and into the back of the breaker panel, connected to the main lugs of the breaker panel. Can I remove the feeders from the main lugs, splice them to make them longer, then exit the breaker box and connect to my ATS? So in short, the feeders will come into the breaker panel and not connect to anything in that panel, but will be spliced and exit the side of the breaker panel and into my ATS. So I believe the breaker panel will become a raceway, but with a splice within the breaker panel. Thanks for any input.
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