Splicing a neutral wire

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Senior Member
I have some existing multiwire branch circuits that are feed from a critical panel in a hospital. The circuits feed lights and receptacles. I would like to move some of the circuits to a new panel on a different transfer switch (per 517.19(A)exception #2).

Can I simply splice a wire to the existing neutral wire and tie it to the new panel neutral bus?? So I would have a neutral coming from each panel, they would be spliced together and run as a single wire, then they would split into two wires and go to separate receptacles along with the hot wires.

Hard to explain...does it sound legal??


[ June 29, 2005, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: steve66 ]


Senior Member
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

Why would you want to do that? What are you trying to accomplish? :confused:

I'm not sure that I understand exactly what you are describing, but it sounds like you would provide 2 different paths for the same neutral.

Wouldn't that divide the neutral current between the 2 paths?

I don't think that would be a good idea. If nothing else, you would be causing a magnetic field?


Senior Member
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

I have to agree that it sounds hokie to me Steve.

And it doesn't sound legal either but I'm not sure what the violation would be at the moment.


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

I believe it is against the NEC per 300.5(I), 2005.

It is also wrong because you will not have magnetic field cancelation when a neutral leaves the hot. The neutral will have two paths to panels and the hot one (if I understand what you are proposing).


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

How about the prohibition against paralleling this small of a conductor, for starters.(#12, I'd guess).


Senior Member
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

Well the conductors aren't exactly in parallel, but it would create two neutral paths back to the distribuiton panel.

I was trying to avoid making the electrician install additional neutral wires all the way from the panel to the outlets. But after giving it more thought, I agree it would cause a magnetic field. The more I think about it, the less I like it.

More neutral wires it is.



Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

Steve, the neutral for every circuit should come from, and only from, the same source as the hot wire(s).


Senior Member
Re: Splicing a neutral wire


I didn't see your post until now. It would be a violation of 210.4, wouldn't it. And last night I remembered the same point that I just saw LarryFine brought up. I'm not sure what the code reference is, but I know the neutral has to come from the same panels as the hot.

I should have thought about it a little more before I posted the question. I would have realized it's not legit.



Senior Member
Northern illinois
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

I'd be inclined to say this would not be compliant. I had to read it a couple of times to figure out what you were trying to say. I think you just want to move a couple of circuits to a different panelboard.

Seems to me the simplest thing to do is to disconnect the hots and neutrals from the existing panelboard, splice all the neutrals together and run a single larger neutral to the new PB. No reason to remove the EGCs. Just run a new appropriately sized one between the two PB ground bars.

Unless there is some reason this is not acceptable for a hospital.


Senior Member
Re: Splicing a neutral wire

By Steve:

I should have thought about it a little more before I posted the question.
Nonsense. It's good to know that other people than me have silly ideas sometimes. :D

300.3(B) Should do it.


Re: Splicing a neutral wire

Hey, I would like to know how many of you guys have these article numbers memorized.

This is certainly a "skill" (for lack of a better word) I have, actually, been dreaming about as of late. I think that would be a wonderful thing! And I think I'm beginning to see how this forum could help me to accomplish just that very thing.

How cool! Nobody out here seems to know what they're talking about half the time (when it really comes right down to it). This practice could certainly help to clarify things.


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