Splicing conductor underground

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Senior Member
If we splice conductors underground, does the splice box still need to be accessible? (conductor run inside conduit, bury underground).
If we splice conductors underground, does the splice box still need to be accessible? (conductor run inside conduit, bury

300.5(E) Splices and Taps. Direct-buried conductors or cables
shall be permitted to be spliced or tapped without the use of
splice boxes. The splices or taps shall be made in accordance
with 110.14(B).
If you are running through a conduit then you must splice in a box. If the conductors are direct bury then the section that Derek pointed out would apply.

If you use a splice box then the box must remain accessible, check out 314.29.

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Dumb question: how can we access the box if it is bury underground?
Why do you need to splice wire that was in conduit? Does the conduit need to be repaired?

The issue of the enclosure being accessible is dicey. The definitions don't really say whether an underground enclosure is accessible or not.

Even if having to dig up dirt to get to it is accessible, how are you going to find it or even know that it's there later on down the road?

Is this a job where a re-pull would be impossible?
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