Splicing conductors in a lighting panel

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This is just a general question, is it permissible to splice conductors in a lighting panel. I am replacing an existing panel and may need to do this to avoid installing new conductors. I remember once being told this wasn't allowed per code, yet can't find which article states this. Can anyone help, I'd appreciate it.
Perfectly acceptable and commonly done. You might want to add a screw or two to keep the cabinet door closed like a junction box.
Here is the section that applies

312.8 Switch and Overcurrent Device Enclosures. The wiring
space within enclosures for switches and overcurrent devices
shall be permitted for other wiring and equipment subject to
limitations for specific equipment as provided in (A) and (B).
(A) Splices, Taps, and Feed-Through Conductors. The wiring
space of enclosures for switches or overcurrent devices shall be
permitted for conductors feeding through, spliced, or tapping
off to other enclosures, switches, or overcurrent devices where
all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The total of all conductors installed at any cross section of
the wiring space does not exceed 40 percent of the crosssectional
area of that space.
(2) The total area of all conductors, splices, and taps installed
at any cross section of the wiring space does not exceed
75 percent of the cross-sectional area of that space.
(3) A warning label complying with 110.21(B) is applied to
the enclosure that identifies the closest disconnecting
means for any feed-through conductors.
So is this just common practice that is not address in the code, or is there a article that will allow this? I have seen this done in several instances in older installations during lighting panel replacements. Just checking. Thanks
Doesn't the section that Dennis posted say "312.8 Switch and Overcurrent Device Enclosures. The wiring
space within enclosures for switches and overcurrent devices"?
Would that cover a lighting panel?
The article you list is for cabinets, cutout boxes, and meter socket enclosures. My question is regarding lighting panels, so is there something that will allow this in the code? Thanks

Yes, and IMO, a panel is a cabinet. Also what Trevor (Infinity) stated

Here is the definition

Cabinet. An enclosure that is designed for either surface
mounting or flush mounting and is provided with a frame, mat,
or trim in which a swinging door or doors are or can be hung.
So is this just common practice that is not address in the code, or is there a article that will allow this? I have seen this done in several instances in older installations during lighting panel replacements. Just checking. Thanks

Older code editions were not worded as clearly so a lot of people thought it was not allowed but it has always been permitted.
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