Splicing copper to aluminum using split bolt

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If your connection will be outside, orient the connection so that the copper conductor is below the aluminum.
In time rain water can infiltrate your connection and with it carry copper element with it which will cause aluminum conductor to deteriorate. So by placing the aluminum above copper it greatly reduces the effect of corrosion.
What size conductors? There are some set screw barrel splices that I like better than split bolts.

Better yet, these:


Made by Ilsco.

While the compression tools are a bit expensive, the connectors/splicers/adaptors are less than the screw type mechanical ones. I think the long term investment of compression tools is worth it.

it is a convenience, as it will make an irreversible connection without heat.
all my cadweld stuff is in a box on the shelf now.

not cheap to get barbie and all the accessories, however. didn't go with the
universal die head, went with a 12 ton and C dies... bought three different
sets off ebay..... one for CU to 750 mcm, one for AL to 750 mcm, and one
with all the dies for grounding, etc. couple of duplicate dies, but the sets
were still the way to go. i've seen three jobs now that specify hypress fittings,
with dies specific to the fitting, leaving witness marks. no universal stuff.

doesn't make a lot of sense unless it's to filter out the harbor freight "universal"
hypress kits that are $39. the universal crimpers from burndy are listed and
These are good if you have the tool.View attachment 13544

but if you had the tool, you would know that already.

Now that POCO's have battery and hydraulic tools, there are probably a lot of the old style with long wooden handles for sale cheap. I found one in a pawn shop, talked it down from $12 to $6. I would not want to use it all day, but it's great to have for occassional use.
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