Splicing Feeders in Panel

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Hicksville, NY
Can someone please help me find a code reference regarding splicing feeders? I need to extend my feeders only about a foot each to reach to the top of the new panel, i am not sure if there is any exception that would allow this if i was to use inline compression crimps.

Also is there any reference to mounting a panel upside down?
Can someone please help me find a code reference regarding splicing feeders? I need to extend my feeders only about a foot each to reach to the top of the new panel, i am not sure if there is any exception that would allow this if i was to use inline compression crimps.
Look at 312.8, but make sure you read the whole section.

Also is there any reference to mounting a panel upside down?
Does this panel have a main and is the main installed horizontally? If so, you can install it "upside down". If this is a MLO panel you can install it upside down.
Can someone please help me find a code reference regarding splicing feeders? I need to extend my feeders only about a foot each to reach to the top of the new panel, i am not sure if there is any exception that would allow this if i was to use inline compression crimps.

Also is there any reference to mounting a panel upside down?

Generally there is no problem with the spliced feeders or the upside down panel. A lot of times they are designed to be used either way. Sometimes the bus assembly just flips around.

If you don't have a crimp tool, Ilsco and Polaris make mechanical inline lugs (allen wrench)
Based on my interpretation of 312.8 i don't think it would be an issue to extend the feeders with a crimp. I was hoping for an exception that specifically addresses this but thats wishful thinking. Maybe I am just being ignorant to what its really saying so I can justify it in my mind.
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