Splitting ground wire

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A relative of mine had electrical work done, new 200A service, the contractor installed the service ground, #4 copper, ran it outside then split the conductor in half by unwinding the strands and attached each smaller wire to seperate ground rods, I asked my realitive why, he did not know why it was done, I have never heard of doing that, don't sound right, it apparently passed inspection. Any thoughts.
The wire at the panel was under one lug, it was outside the wire was split, I was surprised this passed, never seen that done before.
That is absurd. I thought you meant at the panel. Easy fix. put the #4 under one acorn clamp then add a jumper between the rods. BTW, #6 is all you need.
This is all covered, and the new deck is built over the wire and rods, I could not belive this passed an inspection, never heard of this being done.
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