Spray Booth, control cabinet position and ventilation

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New member
Hello everybody,

In our company we start to build industrial spray booth for wood finishing.

For who is not familiar with this kind of spray booth:

-It is closed on all six ways.
-It has 1 square feet opening in two sides to make the moldings run
throughout it.
- It exhaust from the bottom of the booth, it is opened and the a
powerful fan exhausts the over spray out, through rock wool and
paper filters.
-From the top, an adjustable air flow is pushed in by an intake fan.
- Inside there are from 4 to 8 spray guns, that spray automatically
when the piece pass through.

I am new to deal with solvents and I am concern about the hazardous of this application.

IF the spray of inflammable fluids or powder is confined inside the sprayer, should I consider the distance from the sprayer booth and the control panel the only parameter to determine the safety of this machine?

Hope this helps !

Hope this helps !

Using the phrase "spray booth" at www.osha.gov 2004 - 08/12/2004 - Spray booth requirements including automatic sprinkler systems, relationship to NFPA 33 requirements, and paint storage.
and I posted the following based on Top Links

(I took the liberty of adding, NFPA 33 here this is 2007 edition.)

If your follow the conversation it varies from your exact question, but I think you can dig through it and get an answer. Note the last two paragraphs of response 6.
Question 5: Is National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 33 Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials (2000 edition) considered a consensus standard by OSHA that applies to Scenario 1? (here)

Response: The OSHA standards 1910.106 and 1910.107 apply to the scenario. NFPA 33 was revised in 2003, and that edition is the most current. As a matter of general information, we would point out that standards adopted by national standards-setting organizations do not automatically become OSHA standards. According to 29 U.S.C. ?655(b), at the current time OSHA may adopt a standard only through notice-and-comment rulemaking. OSHA has adopted neither the NFPA 33-2000 nor the NFPA 33-2003 standards.

Question 6: Does the booth have to satisfy the NFPA 33 requirements for electrical, ventilation, and fire protection to fully comply with State requirements where those NFPA 33 standards are more restrictive than the 1910 standards? If NFPA 33 is not complied with, is this considered a violation by OSHA? If this were a violation, would OSHA issue citations for failure to comply with NFPA 33 (2000 edition)?

Response: If a state or local public safety agency or official, such as a fire marshal, enforces the NFPA 33 requirements for electrical safety, ventilation, and fire protection, your client would have to comply with them if they were equivalent to, or more protective than 1910.107. Furthermore, if your client is in Virginia, the company would be required to follow the occupational safety and health standards of the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry, which has an OSHA-approved state plan. Its standard on spray booths is the same as the federal standard, see 16 VAC 25-90-1910. For further information, you should contact the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry at:

(Address left out )

If your client is in another state with an OSHA-approved state plan, you should contact the state occupational safety and health agency. Information on OSHA-approved state plans can be found in 29 CFR Part 1952.

Neither Federal OSHA nor state agencies with OSHA-approved state plans enforce NFPA 33. Federal OSHA enforces 1910.107 with respect to spray booths, and the state agencies enforce state standards which are the same as, or more effective than, the federal standard.
if the booth wasn't installed with permit in hand, be prepared to at least field questions regarding hazardous on site storage and EPA emissions(booth exhaust contaminants)
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