The 10 wires availble on the butterfly valves I've worked with, available throughout the Western Hemisphere and perhaps even further abroad, have a green ground wire, 3 solid color wires soldered internally to one set of form 'C' contacts, and 6 solid colored wires with stripes soldered internally to a 2nd set of form 'C' contacts. Thus you are able to wire 'in' and 'out' on each 'terminal' of the 2nd set of contacts - fully supervising the devices using the common and normally open side - useful if you are wiring one or more of these switches to 1 zone or input module address.
The device cannot be fully supervised (meaning you get a supervisory short signal when a switch is activated and a trouble signal when a wire is broken or cut) using the contact with 3 wires attached. The wiring can be supervised, but not the device, since you are essentially 't-tapping' said device.
How many wires are in the 1' whip of the butterfly valves you are familiar with?