Sprinkler Heads Above our Fixtures

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Hi, is there anywhere in the NEC that would knock us down for having our lights installed 4' below sprinkler heads? We are installing our lights in a big open room that will be used for offices. The ceiling height is aprox. 20' and our fixtures are mounted about 6' off the ceiling and the sprinkler guys are running there lines about 4' above our fixtures. One of our guys in the field is asking me if this is legal and the sprinkler guy is saying that they have done it before and it's O.K. as long as it's greater than 4' away. Is this true?
As far as the NEC is concerned the sprinkler head could be resting on the fixture.

The sprinkler man will have to know his coded for how close obstructions can be from his head.
I agree with Bob, not an NEC concern.

It very well could be a NFPA 13 issue with the spread pattern of the fire sprinklers.

You might want to give the sprinkler inspector a ring, and ask him directly.

Although, as others have said, it is not an NEC concern, guess who always has to move their install if the sprinkler inspector has an issue.

(Hint: not the sprinkler guy)
Typically the light fixtures are not considered an obstruction to the spray pattern of the sprinkler head. When an obstruction gets wider than 4 feet, such as duct work, then additioanl heads may be required underneath the obstruction. Light fixtures, not problem.
Typically the light fixtures are not considered an obstruction to the spray pattern of the sprinkler head. When an obstruction gets wider than 4 feet, such as duct work, then additioanl heads may be required underneath the obstruction. Light fixtures, not problem.

I am going to guess that varies state to state or has a lot of 'ifs' in it.

I know I can not mount a fixture beside a head blocking it where I am.
Anytime an object can restrict heat from reach the ceiling, you need a sprinkler under it, such as duct work or a hanging AHU. I have heard the 4' rule before, but I have also seen sprinklers under objects smaller then that... I certainly would consider a light fixture a obstruction regardless of size.
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