SQ D breaker LX36150G

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Senior Member
Does anyone know if this breaker can give me a indication we have something going to ground before the currrent gets up to a level to trip the circuit breaker ? It has a adjustment for the alarm circuit ? Having a little trouble understanding if this breaker can do that .Wanting to use this with immersion type heaters .
Does anyone know if this breaker can give me a indication we have something going to ground before the currrent gets up to a level to trip the circuit breaker ? It has a adjustment for the alarm circuit ? Having a little trouble understanding if this breaker can do that .Wanting to use this with immersion type heaters .

This breaker has ground fault TRIP only. Pre-trip alarming is not available.
Does anyone know if this breaker can give me a indication we have something going to ground before the currrent gets up to a level to trip the circuit breaker ? It has a adjustment for the alarm circuit ? Having a little trouble understanding if this breaker can do that .Wanting to use this with immersion type heaters .

A Standard LX will only have the standard micrologic series B trip unit which does not give a display, unless you upgraded to the full function trip unit which is an option for the LX series, if you have that you can monitor current, including ground by using the phase/select button.

An upgrade to the LE series also would have allowed for a GF alarm and GF restraint singnal to alert you to a GF condition prior to the breaker tripping, but this is not availabel on the LX series.

So shart answer to your question is no, because you have the cheap version of the breaker.
This is out of the instruction manual on the Schneider website.

http://static.schneider-electric.us...uit Breakers and Accessories/48049-027-02.pdf

Perhaps this is the CB yu have. Take a look at your instruction manual.
square d said:
GROUND-FAULT ALARM Switch?sets current level (based on circuit breaker sensor at which circuit breaker will signal that a ground fault is present. The signal exists until the ground fault is removed and the reset button is pressed

NOTE: Ground-fault pickup values are based on circuit breaker sensor size only, not rating plug multiplier. Changing the rating plug multiplier has no affect on ground-fault pickup

If so, this how you set the alarm. I don't know about any alarm output contact. Perhaps the instruction book will tell you.

The LX and LE breakers are available with either a GF trip OR an alarm, not both. There is only one operating point and it requires manual reset.

There is an on board ammeter display available or you can use a PowerLogic system to read the current values.
The LX and LE breakers are available with either a GF trip OR an alarm, not both. There is only one operating point and it requires manual reset.

There is an on board ammeter display available or you can use a PowerLogic system to read the current values.

I don't think the alarm is available on the LX series, only an option on the LE series if I recall.

This breaker has ground fault TRIP only. Pre-trip alarming is not available.

...So shart answer to your question is no, because you have the cheap version of the breaker.

The LX and LE breakers are available with either a GF trip OR an alarm, not both. There is only one operating point and it requires manual reset. ...

I don't think the alarm is available on the LX series, only an option on the LE series if I recall.

Oops, that is correct (LE3xxxxA), but it is still either a trip or an alarm not both.

davebones said:
Does anyone know if this breaker can give me a indication we have something going to ground before the currrent gets up to a level to trip the circuit breaker ? It has a adjustment for the alarm circuit ? Having a little trouble understanding if this breaker can do that .Wanting to use this with immersion type heaters .

Jim, zog -
I'm thinking that Dave can read fine.

Dave -
I'd still recommend getting the instruction book from the mfg, rather than going with others guesses

You are right, Jim and I will shut up and stop helping.
Quit that. Chill

It was only susposed to be a little poke about the jumping answers - It was not susposed to be mean.

And the part to Dave was pointing out that when the comments from two that are known to be knowledgable on the subject, as you two are, start jumping around, it's time to get the book out.

If anyone gets out of this it will me. I've maybe seen one or two of these. I don't even know if the manual I show fits the exact model that Dave has. Only Dave will know that.

Quit that. Chill

It was only susposed to be a little poke about the jumping answers - It was not susposed to be mean.

And the part to Dave was pointing out that when the comments from two that are known to be knowledgable on the subject, as you two are, start jumping around, it's time to get the book out.

If anyone gets out of this it will me. I've maybe seen one or two of these. I don't even know if the manual I show fits the exact model that Dave has. Only Dave will know that.


Just messing with you, but I do have the advantage of about 200 LX breakers sitting in my warehouse.
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