Recently Completed the wiring on 2 residential houses, In each house I used the same Sq D 200 Amp Plug on Neutral ready panel. In these panels on the circuits necessary (ex. kitchens and laundry areas) I used the SqD 20 Dual Function(AFCI<GFCI) breakers instead of installing a 20 amp AFCI and a feed thru GFCI. On house Number 1 within the 1st month of the residence living there I had these breakers tripping at random times with no load, eliminated one problem with a faulty old freezer, but now I continue to trip these dual functions but it only happens every 6 days or so. House Number 2 the residence lived there for 4 Months with little issues, occasional breaker tripped but as of the last week they are experiencing these dual functioning breakers tripping every day. For trouble shooting I have checked all my wiring making sure a ground is not against a neutral in a box or having a dead short anywhere, also I have done insulation test on my wiring and it has all checked out good. I have talked with vendors and supply house with little information on what the problem could be, just wondering if anybody else has experienced this issue and what you have found? When the breaker is tripped, the QO dual function breaker always shows a ground fault.