Square D qu12l400cl meter main with main lug interior with two 200 amp breakers to feed two subpanels-one regular 40 circuit QO and one Intelligent Load Center built on QO platform. For the time being the Intelligent Load Center is functioning only as a sub-panel ( it was purchased without the ATS ). The ATS that is designed for the Intelligent Load Center is by Kohler and is solid neutral I believe. This load center can be purchased without the ATS from Square D or with/or without from Kohler. This is new construction and the owner wanted to have the ability to add his Kohler stand-by generator later without having to add an ATS panel to the exterior. I understand that by code the only neutral to ground bond should be at the meter main but am interested in any thought around this particular install. My main question - what would be the correct neutral to ground configuration at the generator being that the sub-panel ( which houses and and is the ATS ) neutral is not bonded at said panel? . I understand from the Square D website that even though the Intelligent Load Center is service entrance rated, it was also designed to be used as a sub-panel.