Stacked bussducts

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I have a very small space in an electric room in which to install my switchgear. The only way to get all the switchgear to fit is to stack a 2500 A bussduct and a 3000A bussduct one in front of the other. I am concerned about the 3'clearance issue on the rear piece of buss. There would be only 6" between the two bussducts. Any input would be helpful.

charlie tuna

Senior Member
Re: Stacked bussducts

many installations stack bus ducts with close clearances between them. one building has four 4000 amp buses with just enough room to infrared them. the main thing is serviceability! although there is little space between them, we could still remove any piece that is required!! corner sections and room need to be looked at since they will require room in two directions for replacement!!!
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