Stacked Junction box

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Senior Member

Does NEC have any requirement for stacked junction box? I have seen stacked junction boxes in a lot of places but does NEC allow it?

Thank you in advance.
Top to buttom I see nothing wrong with.

Now stacked back to front could make for a pain to ever access them easily again.

That’s the biggest thing, Is wether or not each one is considered accessible?
Top to buttom I see nothing wrong with.

Now stacked back to front could make for a pain to ever access them easily again.

That’s the biggest thing, Is wether or not each one is considered accessible?
Regardless, the access would be more difficult.
Those are called extension rings.

I'm not aware of any NEC limits on their use. There might be something in manufacturers instructions. Not that I've ever seen the indoor type sold with instructions.
Doesn't the code require a certain amount of wire (maybe 3") to be able to be pulled out the front of the box? Or is that only for boxes where devices are terminated?
300.14 may come into play:
Where the opening to an outlet, junction, or switch point is less than 200 mm (8 in.) in any dimension, each conductor shall be long enough to extend at least 75 mm (3 in.) outside the opening
. Exception: Conductors that are not spliced or terminated at the outlet, junction, or switch point shall not be required to comply with 300.14.
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