stair switches, nailplates and mop sinks?

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Thanks in advance for any replies...

[1] Are there any restrictions in the NEC or the RBC about installing switches out over a stair step? Is it in the code or am I misinterpretating the over current device code requirements and injecting a bit of my own common sense about stepping out to turn on a switch?

[2] Nailplating the bottom plate of a wall. I have always nail plated any wire going through the bottom plate as it is subject to damage from baseboard installation; usually a 2" finish nail. I have seen several installations recently where even the service wire [4/0 SER in a 4" wall] was not nail plated. A coworker said this was just something I did and not required. Am I again interjecting my own common sense and going above code?

[3] Mop sink and Panel Board next to each other... say with in 3' center line to centerline?
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