standard vs optional load calcs

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I'm attempting to compose electrical bids and do load calcs on some rather large single-family homes (upwards of 15K sq.ft)

What method should be used, standard or optional, for formulating my proposal and ensuring the service will be of adequate size in case they make changes throughout construction? Any help would be appreciated!
Re: standard vs optional load calcs

The simple answer is to do both, and base your bid on the lower results. It is up to you to decide whether the job is worth that bit of extra effort on your part.

I might add that I am yet to see a sample problem for which the standard method gave a lower result than the optional method. That may mean nothing in the real world, but it is an extra datum for you to think about.
Re: standard vs optional load calcs

I was told once by an electrical inspector and code instructor : you use the standard when selling the service to the customer and use the optional method when proving the service size to the AHJ. Standard always seems to come out larger then the optional
Re: standard vs optional load calcs

I prefer to use the optional, this tends to give you a lower service size which is typically a little more realastic than the service size produced by the standard method.
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