Standby generator design

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I'm new here and seeking some suggestions on designing a distribution system with a standby secondary source. I'm designing a small community consisting of 6 buildings here in the states, which will be utilizing 480/277V and 208/120V three-phase secondary distribution voltages, with the primary is 13.8kV. Due to locations of the buildings, the primary distribution utilizes a couple of switchgears. The distribution/lighting panels range from 100A - 1200A. My first plan is to centralize the generator (500kW) in one location, where the service entrance from the utility; however, the distance of the buildings from the location will caused huge voltage drop unless using a step-up transformer. What do you guys think?
Would your local utility let you meter the service at the 13KV point and take responsibility for all equipment downstream from there? You could then install one genset to handle the entire site.
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