50% of new companies fail. Most fail due to a lack of capital. You will need to have a strong bank account and excellent credit before starting in business. You will also need to be an entrepreneur. There is no safety net, you sink or swim on your own. There are no benefits. There is no such thing as a weekend, or vacation, or sick day. There is no retirement plan, other than what you set up and contribute to. There is no group insurance plan. If you do not work, you do not get paid. Collecting from your customers will always be a problem. Everyone will have a reason to delay paying you. Some people thrive on the challenge, others find it to be unbearable. There is a HUGE difference between doing "side jobs" for friends and family and relying on it for your only income. Good luck with your decision.
My feeling is: If I hit the Lottery, I will again go into business for myself - and I won't quit until I lose every dime!