Static ground

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At my company we are having some heated discussion on grounding. Static ground being the big one right now. We have alot of what we call pigs that supply feed stock to test plants and these pigs do have flamable liquid in them. We supply a grounding strap for them to ground to disapte any stray charge. Here is the question.The main panel that feeds these plants is in a control cabnit that is mounted to what we call a skid this skid is is all bolted together. The feed to thses comes in and we bring in a ground with the feed and this ground in then terminated in the panel. All this is bonded together is this a good enough ground for static groung also? The coustomer wants us to put an addtional ground on this skid to act as a static ground is this redundant and also is it ok according to NEC because we now have two points of ground? I know this is long winded but I hope I have explained this good enough.

Re: Static ground

take a look at
"250.112 Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent Wiring Methods(Fixed)- Specific
250.112(K) Skid Mounted Equipment.
Permanently mounted electrical equipment and skids shall be grounded with an equipment bonding jumper sized as required by 250.122."
Re: Static ground

There is no reason to add any additional bonding or grounding to prevent the build up of static on this system. The code required bonding and grounding will serve the purpose.
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