steam shower lighting

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Senior Member
Right here.
I tried and tried to get a "vapor tight" recessed fixture for a steam shower for a customer several years back. I only found one model, and I'm pretty sure it was from Thermasol. The trim was like a porthole on a ship, and had a nice gasket with acorn nuts all around. Here's a link to the exact fixtures I used: Granted, this was above code to use this. It was a customer request. Realisticly, and good shower trim works. I prefer to use the kind that have the rubber gasket that seals around the neck of the lamp.


Sacramento, CA
I ran into this some years ago myself and I remember getting very frustrated trying to get a straight answer from anybody about it. I finally allowed myself to be talked into a shower trim but I was, and remain, unhappy about it. The more so because of the room's low ceiling. Big liability factor here. I'd suggest looking at Harsh Environment industrial fixtures. Voltage and H₂O. Yuck! Oh, and be sure that your client knows not to take a steam bath during a lightning storm!
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