Step down transformer


New User
Buffalo New York
Hello all! I have a little issue that I’m not familiar with. Im working on a sign that currently doesn’t have any power, and getting 120v to it would costs thousands with the options I have. There is currently a pole light 5’ away that has 208v. Pulling another set of wires is out the question. I had the thought of looking into a small weather resistant transformer that I can enclose in the sign, and step down 208v to 120v to feed the sign.

My question is, can anyone recommend a transformer or website where I can purchase one from. Thanks again!


Senior Member
Northern illinois
Most transformers are available in type 3R potted enclosures. Just call your regular electrical supply house and see what they have available.

I would be cautious about this approach though. No way to tell what you might be messing with at the pole and it could be hard to do so in a code compliant way. For instance, it is not unusual for poles to be supplied without an egc even though it is not code compliant to do so.

It seems to me that as an electrician you should know this though. Transformers are a real basic part of being an electrician.
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