I've somewhat resolved myself to AFCI breakers to install.
At the supply house. A gent was stating that afci's
Didn't have to go in unless there was square footage being added to the building
So trying to save (or not spend) a few bucks I've been trying to get an answer
The inspector is not returning calls.
The same guys in the supply house today and said
He made a call to the powers that be.(his quote was you couldn't get higher )
The ruling was new circs AFCI. Adding on to existing no AFCI.
I know the good book mentions and modifications to existing circs
But has Anyone experienced issues with no AFCI on existing.
Thank you
At the supply house. A gent was stating that afci's
Didn't have to go in unless there was square footage being added to the building
So trying to save (or not spend) a few bucks I've been trying to get an answer
The inspector is not returning calls.
The same guys in the supply house today and said
He made a call to the powers that be.(his quote was you couldn't get higher )
The ruling was new circs AFCI. Adding on to existing no AFCI.
I know the good book mentions and modifications to existing circs
But has Anyone experienced issues with no AFCI on existing.
Thank you