still trying

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topic in class tonight was tailing out what that means is they say we have to tie the nuetrals in the box and just the hots on the rec so the current on a branch circuit is not all flowing through the rec


Senior Member
Re: still trying

First let me say this. Welcome to the forum but you need to use a little commom courtesy when posting. This isn't ask Geeves! You don't always get a response 2 seconds after you post.
And a little tact might help too!

Now, you may "Pig tail" your feeds to the recps if you want to. You don't have to unless they are on a multiwire circuit or sometimes the "Feed through" rating on the device may require you to pig tail. Other than those reasons, your local AHJ might require it.

Hope that answers all 3 of your posts!



Senior Member
Re: still trying

Pinellas county florida required all joints pig tailed for a long time but that stopped and IMHO that was a mistake ;)


Senior Member
Re: still trying

mjenkins16 I believe 300.13(B) is what your looking for. The reason for this requirement is if a device is removed that causes the neutral connection to be taken apart the voltage balance between each hot leg and neutral will be lost in a multiwire circuit. This can cause damage to equipment and even could cause a fire as the voltage on the lightly loaded circuit will go up and the voltage on the heavy loaded circuit will go down.
So to be compliant it is required to make the connection between neutrals before the connection to the device, this way if the device is removed the neutral is still intact.

This requirement is only for multiwire circuits.
Welcome to the forum and keep learning. ;)

[ September 14, 2005, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: hurk27 ]


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: still trying

Originally posted by mjenkins16:
topic in class tonight was tailing out what that means is they say we have to tie the nuetrals in the box and just the hots on the rec so the current on a branch circuit is not all flowing through the rec
After posting the same question three times one might wonder why they are being ignored. ;)
Case in point,
topic in class tonight
Now should this person that is surely a student change his profile to reflect this fact not only would he get a better response he gain more respect from some. :p

Hello my name is Mike. I am addicted to this forum. Why else would I be on it at 3:50 AM?
Answer: I am worried about Sam :confused:


Senior Member
Re: still trying

I am not picking on you, but aren't we all students?

You know the answer to some questions that I do not, I know the answer to some you do not. We all have some contribution here.

What I have learned as an inspector, which I am going to use to help, is that there is so much missunderstanding out there that we all will ask "stupid" questions sometimes, as that is how we were taught.

As far as the poster having patience, he will learn this forum can be a hard lot. ;)


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: still trying

Thank you for helping keep me straight.

Mom (Bob) seems to have vanished and left me all alone in my hour of need.
What are all of us web babies going to do with out our Mom?

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: still trying

Okay, the 'Mom' thing is starting to creep me out.



Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: still trying

I must say, I think the Web Mom thing has run its course also.

If this site would have some voluntary way for the members to offer a phone number for emergency purposes, we could choose to have it as a true Web Mom, but I no one person could begin to handle this type of task.



Staff member
Re: still trying

Originally posted by roger:
If this site would have some voluntary way for the members to offer a phone number for emergency purposes, we could choose to have it as a true Web Mom, but I no one person could begin to handle this type of task.
24,716 members as of 9/14 - 8AM.

I don't think anyone wants to hold that.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: still trying

Does this mean that I have to stop calling Bob Mom? :(

I must say that it does feel a little strange calling an old man Mom. :eek:

How about Dad? Can I call him Dad? I am 54 and he is ? Maybe this wouldn?t work either. ;)

Okay I see that this just is not going to work out so I guess it is back to Iwire or Bob.

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: still trying

So (looking around the cafe, empty coffee cup in hand), how do we get some service in this joint? :)

It would be cool if the moderators could research this and see if there's a feasible way of doing it.

What was the deal with the hacking of the old forum? Culling e-mail addresses?

Given that our e-mail addresses here are invisible to other members, I believe phone numbers would be safe as well.

P.S. Hey Mike, here's your sign. :D


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: still trying

Actually I wanted to edit my post to say "but no one person could begin to handle this type of task." but I lost the web site as soon as I hit the Add Reply button.

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