Storable Pool....

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Is it allowed by code (2008 NEC) to install UF cable underground from house to a 4x4 post and mount GFCI outlet with in-use cover to run pool pump? I don't believe it's required that the EGC be insulated, right? Also I know the outlet cant be less than 6ft from the inside wall of pool. But could the outlet be less than the 6ft if it was under a deck that what built around the pool?
Is it allowed by code (2008 NEC) to install UF cable underground from house to a 4x4 post and mount GFCI outlet with in-use cover to run pool pump? I don't believe it's required that the EGC be insulated, right? Also I know the outlet cant be less than 6ft from the inside wall of pool. But could the outlet be less than the 6ft if it was under a deck that what built around the pool?

I beleieve any Chapt 3 wiring method is allowed.
As I read 680.34 you could place a recept. undeer the deck closer than 6 ft.

{sidebar: Note the NEC defines a storable pool as one having a max. water depth of 42" (with some exclusions)}
Ok so the customer informs me that he got an above ground pool and the water depth is 48" not the 42" that we originally discussed. So now that's its 48" deep its not a storable pool anymore right? And just to make sure I got this since I haven't done pools in years...... I must install pool circuit in an approved conduit(680.21(A)(1), and must install an equipotential bonding grid(680.26) right? Anything I'm missing pool gurus??
Ok so the customer informs me that he got an above ground pool and the water depth is 48" not the 42" that we originally discussed. So now that's its 48" deep its not a storable pool anymore right? And just to make sure I got this since I haven't done pools in years...... I must install pool circuit in an approved conduit(680.21(A)(1), and must install an equipotential bonding grid(680.26) right? Anything I'm missing pool gurus??

Convenience outlet 10-20 feet from pool. 680-22(3). That is 05 code, maybe changed in 08. A real pain if pool is out in the middle of the backyard.
It still looks like I can use NM cable inside the house for the pool circuit according to 680.21(A)(4) right??? Then from there going to the pool(in middle of backyard) will have to be in conduit.
Just a suggestion, I would put the GFCI in the panel feeding the circuit and not a local GFCI receptacle. I read an article last year where a GFCI receptacle was put in a boat house and the circuit feeding (NM to UF) it had a problem (bad splice before the receptacle) and a child drown because of it voltage in the water around the dock. Not a common senario but a possible one, if the installer had used a GFCI breaker it would have tripped and no one would have been hurt.
Make sure your pump is designed for a permanent install with bonding lug etc and is not marked "For storable pools only" also you may need to address pool water bonding, 680.26(C)
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