Storage in allocated electrical area

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New User
Can anything be stored in a gated and locked area with two medium voltage transformers and disconnect gear. It is located in a parking garage under a hospital tower
Yes, but only if the required working space and egress path(s) are maintained. I would be concerned, however, that allowing someone to store something will "open the gates" (sorry about that :roll: ) to others storing more things. This has a very real possibility of eventually blocking the working space or the egress path(s). There would be very real concern over how this is monitored and controlled.
I would be concerned, however, that allowing someone to store something will "open the gates" (sorry about that :roll: ) to others storing more things. This has a very real possibility of eventually blocking the working space or the egress path(s). There would be very real concern over how this is monitored and controlled.

But none of this is a code issue. You would have the same problem if it was a low voltage installation without a fence.
Oh I agree, Bob; no code issue here. But as professionals in the industry, we have the ability to express concerns and raise questions that lie outside code requirements. You yourself just posted a comment (with which I also agree) in another thread, suggesting that sometimes the best answer to a question is a question in the form of, "Why would anyone do that?" So in that vein, I am essentially asking why anyone would want to store things in the area mentioned.
They want to use the existing 'storage area' rather than paying to fence in another area for storage.
I had a same problem at maintenance facility. Our manager was an electrician so he knew exactly the clearance requirements. They started with a file cabinet, then used lamps and on and on. Eventually we got a new risk manager, the facility manager retired, so I sent a picture of the storage area and a graphic from Mike Holts materials. The next day everything was cleaned out thats the way its stayed. So perhaps get your safety department involved.
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