Strange GFCI trip

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Senior Member
Indianapolis IN
OK, this was the strangest GFI trip problem I have seen. The customer has a pool house with a sub panel run from thier main panel in the house and it is wired correctly in the pool house, there are GFCI receptacles and he pluged a neon light into the receptacle and it tripped the GFCI breaker for the Garage circuit in the main panel. Nothing seemed to be wired incorrectly at all. When I plugged the neon light into the garage receptacle it worked fine. I investigated for awhile but desided to change the GFCI breaker before digging too deep, It fixed the problem. Has anyone seen this before? An appliance plugged into a totally different circuit trip a different circuit GFCI. I am telling you there is no sence to it. and only this neon light would trip the garage GFI from the pool house a slew of other things worked fine out there. I thought this was interesting.
Hey, if 2-way radios in close proximity to some GFCI breakers can trip them, I'd believe about anything. My WAG causes me to think that this particular GFCI breaker was abnormally sensitive to some peculiar disturbance that was created by whatever the guy did on that other circuit.
mdshunk said:
Hey, if 2-way radios in close proximity to some GFCI breakers can trip them, I'd believe about anything. My WAG causes me to think that this particular GFCI breaker was abnormally sensitive to some peculiar disturbance that was created by whatever the guy did on that other circuit.

Almost took the words right out of my mouth. Rf from 2 way radios, amateur radios, CB radios etc. etc can cause GFI's to trip in the neighbors house, I have seen this personally so a neon transformer causing one to trip does not suprise me.
I used to do this!

I used to do this!

mdshunk said:
Hey, if 2-way radios in close proximity to some GFCI breakers can trip them, I'd believe about anything. My WAG causes me to think that this particular GFCI breaker was abnormally sensitive to some peculiar disturbance that was created by whatever the guy did on that other circuit.

I used to do this all the time. I had guys that had no idea what I was doing, and my foreman got so pissed off because he thought the guys didn't wire the GFCIs right :rolleyes:

oh the days of being an apprentice again!!!
-=PEAKABOO=- said:
Almost took the words right out of my mouth. Rf from 2 way radios, amateur radios, CB radios etc. etc can cause GFI's to trip in the neighbors house, I have seen this personally so a neon transformer causing one to trip does not suprise me.

I totally agree!
dezwitinc said:
What a long strange trip it's been.
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