Strange sign questions

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Senior Member
I had a friend call me today and ask me two questions about signs that I had never heard of. I have never seen anything in the NEC on this, and I am wondering if there is some wierd sign code that I don't know of.

1) How from must a sign be from a fuel dispenser?
2) How far from a building must a 208V sign be located?

Any clues???


As far as sign distance from a fuel dispenser the same codes applies to them as they do any electrical apparatus in section 514 of the NEC

And for the distance required from a building for a 208v sign that would be up to Zoning, and there tough, but as far as code there are none.
I agree, the dispensing unit info is in 514.

As far as distance from the building, maybe his jurisdiction has a local code. Or as mentioned, the zoning board is a tough group of people.

I have seen signs mounted on buildings, so I do not see the reason for this type of question, other than what I already described.

Ryan...I do not believe there is much that escapes your periphery.;)
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