I looked at this again and what I see is a bit more than the full current you should expect through that resistance.I put a 1K resistor in series with the wire while it was connected to the actuator and it measured 30 ma
I would suspect the the tstat has some kind of surge suppressor built in across the tstat contacts.Originally posted by edw:
I would agree and that's probably part of it except one thing. I connected the stray voltage leg to a load and it did drive the motor of the actuator. That's really what the problem was, the actuator motor would drive open a heating valve when there was no call to do so.What I ended up doing was putting a 1K Resistor from the from control input wire of the acutator to the common side of the transformer. This bled off the excess current back to the transformer when there was no call to open the valve.I just can't figure out where this voltage was comming from???