Triple socket Main Service. Original problem=Old red colored 125A main breaker (old Murray's?) apparently became loose? @ both bus bars...arced and destroyed both bus bars, one worse than other. I pulled bus bars and cut out bad sections, welded in new aluminum. Old (Murray?) red breaker no longer available. Installed new 125A that Murray said was a replacement, fit (New Murray) fits loosely, not at bus contacts but @ opposite side of breaker:-?. Everything ok for couple months or so. Soon as Grandma turns on AC, 50A in her sub pops and so does main. I Told her leave breaker in off position until summer and will get it fixed. What do you think is going on???? Obviously there is a short in the compressor circuit. But why is it popping the main at same time? The feed from main to apartment sub is aluminum...Ashamed to admit that during the replacement of said main breaker (in The Rain!) & bus bars that I did not check to see if Neutral connection was still tight!! Would a loose neutral at the main act this way? At the time I repaired the bus bars I operated all the stoves burners for 10 min, no main trip. Sincerely,