Sub Panel as a pull thru

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With a residential application can a sub panel on a detached garage be used as a pull thru for a small back up generator sub panel. I have a detached garage that I am feeding off the house panel and then another feed from the house back up generator panel to feed the emergency circuits in the garage that they need. I need the code reference if this is acceptable. Thanks in advance.
Also I am using the same conduit to feed both sub panels and that is why I am looking for the NEC article to see if this is acceptable to avoid junction boxes.
The code language is worded in the context of "No, unless . . . ." So the answer is yes, but there are restrictions. See 312.8
Take a look at 312.8 but be sure to read the entire section.

Also keep in mind that with 2 sets of feeders in 1 conduit you will need to adjust the ampacity of the conductors in accordance with 310.15(B)(2)(a).

Thank You and I did use 310-15 for derating and it will only be #6 CU that I would be feeding thru the main sub panel to the generator panel sitting right next to it.
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