Sub Panel ground rod

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Need some clarification on if a sub panel needs a separate ground rod. Main panel is 200amp. Detached garage has a 60amp 4 wire panel and a seperate shed has a 30amp 4 wire panel. My question is do both of these sub panels need a separate ground rod or is the grounding conductor in the pipe back to the main panel enough according to code?
Since you have sub-panels at each separate location each will require a GES, typically two ground rods.
you need a grounding electrode system at each structure. It does not have to be a rod. If it is a rod it probably needs to be two of them.

if a CEE is present you have to use it. the garage might have a CEE. the shed likely not.

In this case the GES is connected to the EGC. the N and EGC and are not connected.

No GES is required if there is just one circuit, including a multiwire circuit. You might want to see if 2 20A circuits will handle the shed. however it might be a moot point if there are GFCIs involved.
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