Is it code conpliant to tap the buss right below the main to feed a sub-panel? This is a new GE panel that someone tap the buss to feed the a/c unit. I don't think it is but don't know where to look in the code book.
I don't believe the bus bar can be tapped as it is not approved for that. That being said if the tap rules are followed I am not sure it will cause any problems. How was it tapped?
Thanks Dennis, They did a nice job on the panel, everything nice and neat. What they did was remove the bolts (2) that connect the main breaker to the buss. They inserted a connector on each buss.
Not a great photo but I have seen lugs attached to the holes in the bus in the background of this photo. That is the bus that is between the main CB and the branch circuit breakers. In that instance I don't really see a problem if all of the tap rules are met.