Sub panel in same structure

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Past electricians helper
I had an inground pool installed. I previously installed a subpanel, 3 wire with ground, isolated neutral , ground bonding screw was removed. The sub was a convertible panel with a main disconnect in it. The sub panel is in the same structure about 20 feet away from main in the basement. The pool Co. installed a second sub panel outside on the same wall as the sub panel I installed. They bonded all the pool equip. And have a water bond also. The panel they installed is a 14 space panel. The reasoning was during COVID availability of certain panels were tied to extended lead times so they got what was available. The panel has no main disconnect breaker. My question is about grounding requirements. Is the sub panel mounted outside on same structure as the main panel considered “in the same structure” if this is considered in the same structure then it would just have to be treated like the 1st sub panel with the 4 wire connectors with isolated neutral bonding screw was removed. They are only using 4 spaces in the panel but since there are 10 unused spaces does it have to have a main disconnect in the panel.
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